Welcome to the nanomechanics team

The nanomechanics team is a group of researchers from Laboratoire Charles Coulomb in Montpellier University.
We aim at studying the physics of mechanical objects in the ‘nano’ world.

What's new in the team?

Welcome Gustavo!

Welcome to...

Gustavo Marcati

Gustavo has joined the Nanomechanics team in August 2023 as a Univ. Montpellier postdoc researcher. Welcome Gustavo!

Check-out Gustavo’s profile

Thesis defense

Said Pashayev

Said sucessfully defended his thesis entitled ‘Experimental systems developed to study water confined in carbon nanotubes’. Congratulation Said!

See Said’s profile

Last published

In J. Phys. Chem. C

We have published a simulation article on the adsorption of ions on nanotube surface

Read the abstract of the paper

Our main scientific interests

Carbon nanotube Sensors

We use the exceptional sensing capabilities of carbon nanotube mechanical oscillators to probe their environment


We are interested in the fundamental aspects of mechanics at the nanoscale, and in particular the nanomechanics of carbon nanotubes


We explore the coupling between light and mechanical motion

Our team is always looking for new talents to join the adventure

Discover our job offers!

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